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Age of Empires II
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Age of Empires II
Cheat codes
Press [Enter] to open the chat
window. Then enter one of the
following codes to activate its
corresponding cheat.
1,000 food
cheese steak jimmy's
1,000 gold
robin hood
1,000 stone
rock on
1,000 wood
Commit suicide
Control animals *
natural wonders
Disable Fog of War
Full Map
Instant building
Lose Campaign
Saboteur unit
to smitheremnes
Shelby AC Cobra
how do you turn this on
Slay all opponents
black death
Slay Select opponent
torpedo <1-8>
Useless Villager
i love the monkey head
Win campaign
i r winner
* But loose control of men.
Cheat codes (shortcut keys)
To activate one of these cheats, enter
its corresponding hotkey below.
Build immutable structure
[Ctrl] + P
New resource menu
[Ctrl] + T
Speed construction
[Ctrl] + Q
View ending
[Ctrl] + C
Command Line Parameters
To activate a cheat, attach its
corresponding switch to the
command line parameter.
Auto save
Default mouse driver
Disable ambient sounds
Disable music
Disable sounds
Disable FMV sequence
Fix display problems*
Fix sound problems*
Resolution (800 x 600)
Resolution (1024 x 768)
Resolution (1280 x 1024)
* May not work on all hardware
Jump to: Tip (13) Cheat (1)
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A Fun Way To Win
If you are a player that uses the
resources cheat this is for you.
Advance to imperial age and research
everything. Make your max
population go to 200. Than befriend
an opponent making them your ally.
Use the food, wood, stone and gold
cheats. Go to your Siege Workshop,
Castle, Barracks, Archery Range and
Stable. Set the gather point in your
allies village. Than go to all your
military buildings and make as many
guys as possible. Wait until all your
units are in the city. Than switch
your diplomacy with them to enemy
your guys will pillage their village.
When they give you your last chance
switch them to ally. When they have
said you are a good ally or
something like that switch them back
to enemy repeat until won game
I discovered this myself
Submitted by: flashrider7 on
October 10, 2008
Verified by: mohdimran
a starting tactic
this is a (risky but useful) tactic. you
get your scout cavalry to attack the
town center ONCE. as long as you
are neutral, they will not attack you
back unless you attack again. this
disrupts their economy and help you
because you will have scouted a
little. this is, however, quite risky.
you could do it with a less valuable
unit that is not a military unit
Submitted by: michchar on May 18,
Verified by: jazib1
Confuse enemys
When you start the game the game in
a hard level, the enemy might attack
pretty quickly and destroy your
village before you have a chance to
build your resources. Just enter all
the food,wood,stone and gold cheats
and advance to the imperial age.
Then send a couple of your villagers
(and units to guard the villagers) to a
blank corner of the map and build a
wall around one of the villagers.
If your village gets destroyed just
destroy the stone wall and get the
villager in there to build a new and
secret base. This will confuse your
enemys in to tyhinking you are
Submitted by: emporer9 on August
01, 2007
Verified by: kingpatto , taytonf
Defeat yourself
If you want to defeat yourself, but
don't want to use one of the other
"losing" cheats (like "resign",) just
start a regicide game, type "natural
wonders" in the chat box, hit enter,
and then use an animal (like a boar,
wolf, or jaguar) to kill "your" king
(which you will have lost control of)
just like you kill an enemy unit.
Note: Natural Wonders is a cheat to
lose control of your other people and
switch to controlling animals. If you
click the technology tree button,
though, it will cause the game to
crash. I sen a report on this to
Submitted by: anonymous on March
25, 2006
Verified by: flashrider7
Easy defeat of enemy
For defeating a tough enemy, take a
minimum of 5-6 villagers. Take 3-4
military units for their protection.First
of all,destroy 3 blocks of stone walls
of enemies.then clear the group of
houses(other building) by sending a
group of battering rams(Minimum 5)
Then type "rock on" and build castle
in their area. As the enemy will come
to attack it.The arrows will attack it.
But remember to garrison all
villagers.then move again dense in
their territory and build another
castle.Like this build many
castles,and also near the their town
centre and castle.
I have done that and i have won
several campaigns with this method.
Submitted by: kartik on September
28, 2012
Verified by: taytonf
Easy win
For easy victory over the CPU under
any difficulty setting, place eight to
twelve villagers into three control
groups. Then, have two control
groups working on gold and one
working on stone until all of the
stone piles and gold piles are gone.
Next, build at least two of every
building and upgrade everything as
fast as possible. If done quick
enough you should be able to either
swarm your enemy or surround him
with castles.
Submitted by: alecko91 on December
09, 2005
Verified by: taytonf
Fortress, Which Can Never Be
To make a fort which will never, ever
be taken by the enemy, you need to
set up a game in 'the black forest' as
the name sugests, you start in...a
very large forest, with a small village
depending on what settings you have
chosen(i personably would chose
death match, as you get lots of
resources.) any way, you need to
make sure you have a onager, or
something whcih can destroy lots of
trees very quikely. you then start
tunneling into the trees, making walls
and gates along the way. put towers
with archers behing each gate, and
make large areas where you can put
castles, barracs, churchs ect and
town centres. no matter how hard
your enemy tries, they can never get
through the walls. this tactic will take
about 1 hour.
Submitted by: jacobsharps on April
01, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Have towers as your walls
First you type the gold and stone
cheats 20 times so you can have
20,000 gold and stone.
Then type the cheat aegis for fast
Take your villagers and construct
towers straight adjacent to each
Construct as many towers as your
You don't need to construct gates.
Just garrison your inside your tower
and ungarrison them outside your
I constructed bombard towers as my
walls and they kept attacking the
enemies while i constructed a
The only problem is that siege
weapons having range more then 11
can attack your towers without the
tower attacking them.
If they attack then sent you cavalry
to attack them.
Units like Ram require to be hit 3
times to be killed. Knights to be hit
1-2 times Swordsman to be hit 1-2
times Monk and villagers 1 time and
War Elephants to be hit 2-3 times.
Depends on how much armor they
have and the type of tower you
Submitted by: anonymous on June
07, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Kill Your Ally Without Them Killing
Get a mogonel, onager or sige
onager* and enter your allie's village
attack ground near or on their
buildings or units and they will kill
your allie's buildings or units.
*it might work with a trebuchet
I discorvered this myself
Submitted by: flashrider7 on
October 10, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
scout for sheep faster than your
type in the cheat for the cobra sports
use the car to zoom around the map
and round up all the sheep. it's best
to keep the sheep with the car at all
times. if you leave it up to them to
get back to camp, the opposite scout
may pick them up along the way. if
you keep your sheep close, the car
will destroy the opponent's scout
(also, be careful you don't
completely annihilate your opponent
in the beginning, it's not that fun. the
sports car will do that if you don't
move it out of range fast enough)
Submitted by: xelmocookiesx on July
20, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Spoil Your Allies/Enemies
Get a trebuchet, mogonel, onager or
siege onager* and attack ground near
a tree the tree will be automatically
*trebuchets will only kill trees that
are in their normal form and it works
better with mogonels, onagers or
siege onagers.
I discovered this myself
Submitted by: flashrider7 on
October 10, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
The best way to win a game cheat
the easiest way to win a game
without using cheats in any difficult is
1. Create as many villagers as you
can (approx. 15)
2. Send 3 to cut wood, 3 to mine
gold, 3 to mine stone and 4 to build
3. build a palisade around the inside
of your town (just big enough so you
can build about 5 houses) and send
your scout cavalry to explore the out
skirts of your town.
4. Advance to the feudal age and get
as many villagers as you can to build
a much bigger wall around the
outside of your palisade wall (your
scout cavalry should have explored
around a quarter of the map by now)
5. Start building a giant army and
send them to the outskirts of your
village and make them stand their
ground so they don't start chasing
6. Attack your nearest enemy and
then repeat steps 1,3 and 5.
This is a simple but effective game
plan that makes this game really
Keep the palisade walls even though
you don't need them and build some
every few gaps or so. This helps stop
your allies or your enemies from
interfering with your current work.
Another good idea would be to build
lots of towers on the inside of your
main wall and scatter a few around
inside your village in case some
enemy does make it into your village.
Also don't forget to advance all the
way to the Imperial age so you can
build better units.
I managed to defeat 7 players in 45
minutes using this cheat free tactic.
Submitted by: kingpatto on March
13, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
type cheats faster
1.type type the cheat you want
2.highlight it
3.hold control and press C
4.press enter
5.hold control and press V
(this cheat will help you alot
Submitted by: chris on June 14, 2007
Verified by: flashrider7
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Hawk can fly
press enter during a single player
game, type Natural Wonders, and the
hawk will clear the darkness
(uncharted territory).
Submitted by: lojgh on January 27,
Verified by: TikkiGod
Age of Empires II Forum Posts
Age of Empires II with problems
in windows 7
Multiplayer Problems [1]
Only boats left [1]
re: What is your mostly used unit
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Lag and Freezing Issues [1]
Age of Empires won't install .TTF
files :( Installer freezes?
Favorite Civilization? [64]
Windows 7 fix for messed up
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Empires and Cossacks
How to beat frank paladin spam
AoE 2 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion
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AOE II when I load a game it goes
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